As a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Troop 300 was required to suspend face to face meetings and activities. However our Troop Leaders and Scouts were able to quickly adapt and continue to progress towards goals by using technology and Scout creativity.
Since March 13 Troop 300 has accomplished the following:
3 Zoom Committee Meetings to keep program up and running
3 Zoom Pocono District Round-table Meetings
9 Zoom Troop Meetings that have covered topics such as:
- Wilderness Survival
- Fire Starting Methods
- Backpacking/Hiking Skills
6 Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge Meetings on Zoom
6 Collections Merit Badge Meetings on Zoom
1 District Eagle Board of Review on Zoom
1 Troop Level Eagle Project Review on Zoom
1 Eagle Project under construction
3 Troop outings:
- Flags at Veterans Graves at Prospect Cemetery
- Flags at Veterans Graves at Laurelwood Cemetery
- Bike Ride on McDade Trail
Scheduled 2 additional Zoom Merit Badges for June:
- Communication
- American Heritage
Initial plans for:
-Troop Bike Ride/Lunch at West End Regional Park
-Appalachian Trail backpacking trip
-50 Miler Event